Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My little friend Maru

Hello, bloggers. Today I speak about something that makes me happy. This is my little friend called Maru. He's a cat, but he likes a human sometimes, because he have so many qualities and human behaviors as the courage, independent and fellowship.

A human cat

I knew him when I was 18 years old, in september of 2010. One day, my ex boyfriend told me that some people were giving away kittens in Maipú. I didn't want to have animals in my house, because it wasn't mine. Anyway, a thuesday I followed him to this place. When I arrived to this house I saw four cats in a box. The kittens was very adorables and they meaws so much =o

One of this cats caught my attention. This baby was so little and weak. His colors was yellow, light brown and orange, and his eyes so big. Since the first moment I love him =3 After that I took him to my house and told my grandmother that he wanted to stay in my house. She struggled to accept it, but then started to like him.

Today he lived in my home with mi sister and grandma. He have three years old (cat age) and all family loves him.

My baby rocks!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A strange 2013

It's difficult talk about this year because  was very hard working, active and complicated for me. On the one hand, I lived tense moments for the disease of my mother and subsequent operation. She suffered of a "mioma" in her utero and she have since 2002 a chronic disease. This year the situation was complicated. Also my brother and my dad got sick  :( In Santiago's house the things turned bad for a familiar problem. This caused that us have to move house with my sister. 

But, on the other hand, many things was good. One of the good things was that moving house was good for everybody and now we live in our home quieter. In the university I have good qualifications, but the exigence was higher. However I could pass all the subjects and make remarcable articles. I also find jobs that helped me pay my expenses. I worked in a few political organitations in the university that taught me how to make popular communication. In this places I found inspiring and interesting people who teach me many things.

But the last week I received a good notice. I had been selected from nearly 20 people to do my practice in Arts and Letters from the national newspaper "El Mercurio". That news made me very happy.

After this year I think that the things could change radically. For the rest of 2013 I will be waiting for the surprises that come.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How green I' m?

Hi friends, today I speak about my green activities and the lifestyle where the slogan is "save the world", in other words, this people who perform environmental jobs. Nowadays we live in a globalized world with so much polution and contamination. Industries and the companies that extract natural resources have make the planet dirty. Some of the most contaminated zones are South America, Pacific Asia and Africa. In this places, the people suffered the poverty and the uncleanless.

Luckily, we're have a few options to stop it. One of these choices is informed us about this problems. In the red, there are so many pages where you can find tips about environmental habits. In spanish have webs like , or The sites teaches different ways to save the waste and make better use. In "La Bolsa Loca" you can find articles about how recycling materials as plastic, paper, glass or organic waste. Even, one of this post including a tutorial for make wallets like these:

Also, you can sign in workshops for melting and molding plastic, and reuse habits. The best of this initiatives is that they teach and you learn to have a environmental behavior and care for natural and urban areas.

In my case I recycle, but not always. This situation is disgusting for me, because I really want to have a more responsabile attitude with the care of planet, but sometimes I don't have the time. For this reason I think that one the goals in the next year is concern for this themes. For the time being I ride in my bike so many times, for reducing the contamination of Santiago. Also,  two years ago I joined in two organitations  that protect the rivers, montains and the little towns. These ONGs called Patagonia Sin Represas and Red Medioambiental Copayapu, in the North of Chile. 

I calculated my footprint the last year, and the result was very high. In the survey, the site recommended to me keep the waste and then classify. Other recomendations said that I should prefer the use of bycicle rather than the cars, take shorter showers and planting more plants. Thus Santiago could lower their levels of polutions and ensuring a cleaner ecosystem.