Monday, April 15, 2013

Hi, this is the first post in 2013. The last year I used my blog in the classes with Henry, when I coursed "pre intermediante level". Today I'm on the last course but I preferred to keep the blog. 

My name is Paula Isadora, but all people call me just "Paulilla". I was born in 1991, the year of the "Cold War" and the creation of the videogames character "Sonic"... and others celebrations.  I'm from Copiapo, a little and deserted city in the north of Chile, but I have lived in Santiago for four years. All my family is in Copiapo.

Since 2010 I'm in journalism at Universidad de Chile and I think that this career is interesting and dynamic. Also, in this place I found so many good friends. 

About my hobbies, I really like going to squares and parks as "Parque Forestal", and talk all the night with my friends. Also I enjoy reading books, listening good music or playing an instrument. 

Thanks for reading this biography.