Hi bloggers, Do you have a nice day? I hope have a good day
This is the last post in my blog :( because the class with Henry going to over soon.
First, this experience with my personal blog was interesting and specially fun. That's why "the blog class" was my favourite subjet this year, because when I write in this i used my imagination and skills.
The positive things of the experience blog was the group whit I shared this year. Everypeople, includiying Henry, was so nice and cheerful, but sometimes they turn a little serious, especially when they to do a test. The better article that I wrote was "your favourite book". In this post i wrote about The metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. In this article I can show to my classmates the literature that I like.
The negative things was the day of the class, I prefer the class on Friday, because the classroom when we worked was very warm :3 Also, I don't like so much the test like "calculate your ecological footpring", because the process to resolved it was so boring and complicated.
I think that my english improve so much, because before this class my lenguaje was very pathetic hahaha My skills in english are better than the old skills. I appreciate this a lot.
This is all :)